Archive for August, 2007


Tuesday, August 21st, 2007

Special Meetings on August 24 – 26, 2007, Orlando, Florida

8/24/07 周五 晚上 Friday 8 – 9:30 PM


Special worship: Dr. Pratt-Advancing His Kingdom

Saturday, August 4th, 2007

Dear brothers and sisters, and friends,
Thank you so much for your prayer support for our STM team in China now. They are doing great by God’s grace.
We want to invite you to celebrate what we have in Christ on this coming sunday 8/5/07 through well-known the preacher and theologian, Dr. Richard Pratt, at OCECC monthly english-chinese combined service in 10:30am. This will be his second time to preach at OCECC (the first one was back in 2003). The theme of his sermon is Advance His Kingdom. You can get direction to OCECC on our web:
Bellow I provide the vita of Dr. Pratt in both Chinese and English for your reference and you may also use it to invite your friends and relatives.
Pastor Biao Chen


Friday, August 3rd, 2007




Thursday, August 2nd, 2007

这个周的读经灵修内容是以弗所书。Ken Bao在他的每日读经中,提到了一个我们都十分熟悉的圣经真理:在基督里–保罗的最常用表达之一。这实在是一个基督徒说所不尽道不完的主题,基督论和我们的救赎成全都和”在基督里”是息息相关的。其中,以弗所书是保罗用这个表达最多的书信(35次之多)。 (more…)