
2025 Theme for life and ministry of OCECC友爱家庭 —— 教养儿女The Loving Family —- Rasing Offspring
释经讲道 Expository Preaching on 诗篇,启示录 Psalm,Revelation
Raising offspring in church community
Psalm, Revelation
Raising offspring in persecution
Psalm, Revelation
Raising offspring in hope
Psalm, Revelation
主题讲道 Thematic Preaching
Evangelical/Topical (12); Easter (1), Mother’s and Father’s Days (2), Thanksgiving (1), Christmas (2).
中文主日学装备课程 Chinese Sunday School Materials
慕道班 Seekers
(Track 0)
圣经历史 Bible
(Track 1)
神学 Theology
(Track 3)
小组核心材料 Small Group DNA Materials
TGS Knowing the Bible Series https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/course/knowing-bible-series/
使徒行传查经讲义 (向牧师要查经资料)
圣经信息系列 https://afcresources.org/contents/zh-cn/p5297_The-Bible-Speaks-Today-NT.html
以福音为中心系列 https://afcresources.org/contents/zh-cn/d475_Gospel-Center-Series.html
全教会全年读经计划 Annual Church Wide Bible Reading Plan
方式: YouVersion → plans → Whole Bible → Bible Recap。
PreacherEvent/MessageAdditional Comments/In-Charge
Raising offspring in church community
1/5/2025SunJinan ZhangRevelation 3:7-13 To the Church in Philadelphia
Call to Worship: Ps 27:4
The Lord’s Supper: Jinan/Zhai Lei/Yongkang
Plan of 2025 to be shared by the Session
Baptismal and membership classes to be announced
1/12/2025SunLei ZhaiPsalm 1
Call to Worship: Ps 34:1-3
1/19/2025SunJinan ZhangRevelation 3:14-22 To the Church in Laodicea
Call to Worship:Ps 95:6-7
1/22/2025WedCo-workers Prayer Meeting: Youth&ChildrenMin Tong
1/26/2025SunQuan LiuEvangelical/Topical Preaching
Call to Worship: Ps 100:4-5
1/31/2025FriChinese New Year Celebration
2/2/2025SunJinan ZhangRevelation 4:1-11 The Vision of Heavenv
Call to Worship:Ps 95:1-3
The Lord’s Supper: Jinan/Zhai Lei/Yongkang
Communication by the Deacon board to the congregation
2/9/2025SunLei ZhaiPsalm 2
Call to Worship: 1 Thess 5:16-18
Baptism class 1
2/16/2025SunJinan ZhangRevelation 5:1-14
Call to Worship: Ps 107:1,8
Baptism class 2
2/19/2025WedAsh Wednesday
2/23/2025SunJunjian LiuEvangelical/Topical Preaching
Call to Worship: Ps 47:1-2
Baptism class 3
2/26/2025WedCo-workers Prayer Meeting: MissionChia Ming Chen
3/2/2025SunJinan ZhangRev 6:1-8 The first four seals
Call to Worship: Ps 96:1-4
The Lord’s Supper: Jinan/Zhai Lei/Yongkang
3/5/2025Ash Wednesday
3/9/2025SunLei ZhaiPsalm 3
Call to Worship: Ps100:1-2
Baptism class 4
3/16/2025SunJinan ZhangRev 6:9-11 The fifth seal
Call to Worship: Ps 105:1-4
Membership class 1
3/17/2025MonSt. Patrick Day
3/22/2025SatSpring Cleaning
3/23/2025SunJinan ZhangRev 6:12-17 the 6th seal
Call to Worship: Psalm 116:8-9

Membership Class 2
3/26/2025WedCo-workers Prayer Meeting: Training&Sunday schoolLei Zhai
3/28/2025FriZhijun WangGospel Rally. Please invite students and/or friends
Call to Worship: Ps 117:1-2
4/6/2025SunJinan ZhangRev 7:1-8 The 144000 sealed
Call to Worship: Ps 65:5-7
The Lord’s Supper: Jinan/Zhai Lei/Yongkang
4/13/2025SunJinan ZhangRev 7:9-17 The elected from all nations
Call to Worship: Ps 95:1-5
Baptism & Membership Interview
4/18/2025FriGood Friday
4/20/2025SunLei ZhaiEaster Sunday
Call to Worship: Rom 11:33-36
Baptism/Testimony, no Sunday school
4/23/2025WedCo-workers Prayer Meeting: 恩典之家/姐妹会Jennifer Chu
4/27/2025SunYingChan WuEvangelical/Topic preaching
Call to Worship: Ps 146:1-2
Raising offspring in persecution
5/4/2025SunJinan ZhangRev 8:1-5 The prayer of saints
Call to Worship: Ps 118:1-4
The Lord’s Supper: Jinan/Zhai Lei/Yongkang
5/11/2025SunLei ZhaiMother’s Day Message. Combine
Call to Worship: Psalm 68:3-4
Infants baptism(s) preparation to be announced
5/18/2025SunJinan ZhangRev 8:6-13 The first four trumpts
Call to Worship: John 4:23-24
5/23-25/2025Lake Yale Annual Retreat
5/25/2025SunJinan ZhangEvangelical/Topical Preaching
Call to Worship: Psalm 95:6-7
5/28/2025WedCo-workers Prayer Meeting: worshipYang Zhang
6/1/2025SunJinan ZhangRev 9:1-12 The fifth trumpts
Call to Worship: 1 Chronicles 16:8-9
The Lord’s Supper: Jinan/Zhai Lei/Yongkang
6/8/2025SunJinan ZhangRev 9:13-21 The sixth trumpts
Call to Worship: Ps 126:5-6
6/15/2025SunJinan ZhangPreacher shall decide the passage
Fathers Day Message
Call to Worship: Ps 145:3-4
Infant baptism
6/22/2025SunLei ZhaiPsalm 4
Call to Worship: Ps 33:1-3
6/26/2025WedCo-workers Prayer Meeting: 总务Jianbin Li
6/29/2025SunJinan ZhangEvangelical/Topical Preaching
Call to Worship: Zephaniah 3:17
7/6/2025SunJinan ZhangRev 10:1-11 The little scroll
Call to Worship: Ps 86:8-9
The Lord’s Supper: Jinan/Zhai Lei/Yongkang
7/13/2025SunJinan ZhangRev 11:1-14 The two witnesses
Call to Worship: Ps 149:1-2
7/20/2025SunLei ZhaiPsalm 5
Call to Worship: Revelation 4:8
7/27/2025SunQuan LiuEvangelical/Topical
Call to Worship: Ps 128:1-2
7/30/2025WedCo-workers prayer Meeting: LOL DiscipleshipJinan Zhang
8/3/2025SunJinan ZhangRev 11:15-19 The 7th trumpts
Call to Worship:Ps 33:1-3
The Lord’s Supper: Jinan/Zhai Lei/Yongkang
8/10/2025SunJinan ZhangRev 12:1-17 The woman and red dragon
Call to Worship: Revelation 19:1
8/17/2025SunLei ZhaiPsalm 6
Call to Worship: John 4:23-24
8/23/2025SatAnnual Picnic
8/24/2025SunJinan ZhangRev 14:1-5 The song of 144000
Call to Worship: Revelation 19:4-6
8/27/2025WedCo-workers Prayer Meeting: CareZe-en Tong
8/31/2025SunYingChan WuEvangelical/Topical Preaching
Call to Worship: Hebrews 10:24-25
Raising offspring in hope
9/7/2025SunJinan ZhangRev 14:6-13 The message of three angels
Call to Worship:Ps 138:1-2
The Lord’s Supper: Jinan/Zhai Lei/Yongkang
Baptismal classes to be announced.
9/14/2025SunJinan ZhangRev 14:14-20 The harvest of the earth
Call to Worship: Ps 84:1-2
9/21/2025SunLei ZhaiPsalm 7
Call to Worship: Ps 86:8-12
9/25/2025WedCo-workers Prayer Meeting: FinanceXiaotao Guan
9/28/2018SunMoses HanEvangelical/Topical Preaching
Call to Worship: Ps 89:5-8
Baptismal Class 1
10/5/2025SunJinan ZhangRevelation 15:1-8 The seven plagues
Call to Worship: Ps 92:1-4
The Lord’s Supper: Jinan/Zhai Lei/Yongkang
10/11/2025SatFall Cleaning
10/12/2025SunJinan ZhangRevelation 16:1-21 The seven bowels
Call to Worship: Psalm 98:3-6
Baptismal Class 2
10/19/2025SunJinan ZhangRevelation 17:1-18 The great prostitue and the beast
Call to Worship:Ps 95:1-3
Baptismal Class 3
10/26/2025SunHongjun LiEvangelical/Topical
Call to Worship:Psalm 100:4-5
Baptismal Class 4
10/29/2025WedCo-workers prayer Meeting: MediaGuanhua Lv
11/2/2025SunJinan ZhangRevelation 18:1-19:4 The fall of babylon
Call to Worship: Ps 96:1-3
The Lord’s Supper: Jinan/Zhai Lei/Yongkang
11/9/2025SunJinan ZhangRevelation 19:5-10 The wedding of the lamb
Call to Worship: Psalm 113:1-3
Membership Class 1
11/16/2025SunJinan ZhangRevelation 19:11-21 The rider on a white horse
Call to Worship: Ps 98:4-6
Membership Class 2
11/23/2025SunJinan ZhangRevelation 20:1-10 The millennium
Call to Worship:Psalm 116:8-9
Interview of new members
11/26/2025WedCo-workers prayer Meeting: church plantingJinan Zhang
11/30/2025SunLei ZhaiThanksgiving Message.
Speaker shall decide the passage
Call to Worship:Ps 99:1-3
Lord’s Supper,Baptism, Testimony, no Sunday school
Jinan/Zhai Lei/Yongkang
12/7/2025SunJinan ZhangRev 20:11-15 The last day judgment
Call to Worship:Ps 40:3-5
12/14/2025SunJinan ZhangRev 21:1-8 The new heaven and earth
Call to Worship:Ps 103:6-9
12/19/2025FriLei ZhaiChristmas Celebration
Purpose: Outreach. Please invite non-believing friends and/or students
Leave to speaker to decide message
12/21/2025SunJinan ZhangRev 21:9-22:5 The new Jerusalem
Call to Worship: Ps 99:9
12/28/2025SunJinan ZhangRev 22:6-21 The second coming of Christ
Call to Worship: Ps 103:1-2
The Lord’s Supper, upper room service: Jinan/Zhai Lei/Yongkang
12/31/2025WedNew Year’s Prayer MeetingJinan Zhang