
2022 Church Calendar

2022 Theme for life and ministry of OCECC

友爱的家庭 —— 彼此相爱

Loving Family ---- Love One Another

释经讲道 Expository Preaching on
Zephaniah, Haggai, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter
January-April 耶和华的日子
Day of Repent
May-August Journey of Pilgrimage
James, 1 Peter
September-December Conduct of Faith
Haggai, 2 Peter
主题讲道 Thematic Preaching
Evangelistic Meeting (10); Easter (1), Mother's and Father's Days (2), Thanksgiving (1), Christmas (4).
中文主日学装备课程 Chinese Sunday School Materials
慕道班 Seekers
(Track 0)
圣经历史 Bible/History
(Track 1)
实践神学 Practical
(Track 2)
神学 Theology
(Track 3)
January-April 问道班 约翰福音 新的开始(跟进栽培课程) 建立圣经神学(IIIM)
May-August 问道班 约书亚记(IIIM) 靠主应许养育儿女
September-December 问道班 宣教历史 《更深合一》婚姻家庭 保罗神学的中心(IIIM)
小组核心材料 Small Group DNA Materials
全教会全年读经计划 Annual Church Wide Bible Reading Plan
方式: YouVersion 计划 -->plans --> Reading God's Story: One-Year Chronological Plan。

方式:旧约:约珥书-玛拉基书,39章;新约:马太福音-启示录 共260章,每天一章,每周可休息一天。

Preacher Event/Message Additional Comments/In-Charge
Day of Repent 1/2/2022 Sun Jinan Zhang Zephaniah 1:1-6 Judgment against Judah
Call to Worship: Exodus 15:1-2
The Lord's Supper: Jinan/Yingchan/Yongkang
Plan of 2022 to be shared by the Session
1/9/2022 Sun Jinan Zhang Zephaniah 1:7-18 The Wrath of God
Call to Worship: 2 Samuel 22:2-3
1/16/2022 Sun Jinan Zhang Zephaniah 2:1-3 Repentance is never too late
Call to Worship:1 Chronicles 16:8-10
1/23/2022 Sun Yingchan Wu Zephaniah 2:4-15 Nations Warned
Call to Worship: 1 Chronicles 16:31-32
Baptismal and membership classes to be announced
1/26/2022 Wed Co-workers Prayer Meeting:
Yan Zhang
1/30/2022 Sun James Yang Evangelical/Topical Preaching
Call to Worship:1 Chronicles 29:10-11
1/31/2022 Mon Chinese New Year Celebration
2/6/2022 Sun Jinan Zhang Zephaniah 3:1-8 Sin of Jerusalem
Call to Worship: Nehemiah 9:5-6
The Lord's Supper: Jinan/Yongkang/Zhai Lei
Communication by the Deacon board to the congregation
2/13/2022 Sun Jinan Zhang Zephaniah 3:9-20 Hope
Call to Worship: Psalm 18:1-2
Baptismal Class 1
2/20/2022 Sun Biao Chen James 1:1-18 The testing of faith
Call to Worship: Psalm 27:1
Baptismal Class 2
2/23/2022 Wed Co-workers Prayer Meeting:
Jennifer Chu
2/27/2022 Sun Calvin Chen Evangelical Preaching
Call to Worship: Psalm 30:1-2, 4
Baptismal Class 3
3/6/2022 Sun Yanguang Li James 1:19-27 Hearing and Doing the Word
Call to Worship: Psalm 47:1-2
The Lord's Supper: Jinan/Liu Quan/Ying Chan
3/13/2022 Sun Jinan Zhang James 2:1-13 The Sin of Favoritism
Call to Worship: Psalm 57:7, 9-11
Baptismal Class 4
3/19/2022 Sat Spring Cleaning Jianbin Li
3/20/2022 Sun Jinan Zhang James 2:14-26 Faith without works is dead
Call to Worship: Psalm 63:1-3
Membership Class 1
3/23/2022 Wed Co-workers Prayer Meeting:
Chen Xing
Lei Zhai
3/27/2016 Sun Samuel Chao
Evangelical/Topical Preaching
Call to Worship: Psalm 66:1-3
Membership Class 2
4/3/2022 Sun Jinan Zhang James 3:1-12 the sin of tongue
Call to Worship: Psalm 66:8-9
The Lord's Supper: Jinan/Zhai Lei/Yongkang
4/10/2022 Sun Jinan Zhang James 3:13-18 Wisdom from above
Call to Worship: Psalm 24:7-8
4/15/2022 Good Friday Commemoration; The Lord's Supper. Combine Yan Zhang
4/17/2022 Sun Yingchan Wu
Easter Sunday Combined service
Call to Worship: 1 Corinthians 15:21
No Sunday School
4/24/2022 Sun Minxian Zhang Evangelical/Topical Preaching
Call to Worship: Psalm 68:3-4
4/27/2022 Wed Co-workers Prayer Meeting:
Guoli Liu
Journey of Pilgrimage May
5/1/2022 Sun Jinan Zhang James 4:1-10 the Sin of being worldly
Call to Worship: Psalm 68:19-20
The Lord's Supper: Jinan/Liu Quan/Ying Chan
5/8/2022 Sun Lei Zhai Mother's Day Message. Speaker shall decide the passage.
Call to Worship: Psalm 71:16-17
Infants baptism(s) preparation to be announced
5/15/2022 Sun Jinan Zhang James 4:11-12 No gossip, No judge
Call to Worship: Psalm 95:1-3
5/22/2022 Sun Yingchan Wu James 4:13-17 Sin of boasting
Call to Worship: Psalm 95:6-7
5/25/2022 Wed Co-workers Prayer Meeting:
Xianhong Zeng
5/27-29/2022 Lake Yale Annual Retreat
5/29/2022 Sun Jinan Zhang Evangelical/Topical Preaching
Call to Worship: Psalm 96:1-4
6/5/2022 Sun Timothy Mountfort James 5:1-6 Sin of wealth
Call to Worship: Isaiah 12:1-2
The Lord's Supper: Jinan/Zhai Lei/Yong Kang
6/12/2022 Sun Lei Zhai James 5:7-12 The Perseverance of saints
Call to Worship: Micah 6:6, 8
6/19/2022 Sun Quan Liu Preacher shall decide the passage
Fathers Day Message
Call to Worship: Habakkuk 3:17-18
Infant baptism
6/22/2022 Wed Co-workers Prayer Meeting:
Yongkang Zhang
6/26/2022 Sun Calvin Chen Evangelical/Topical Preaching
Call to Worship: Zephaniah 3:17
7/3/2022 Sun Yingchan Wu James 5:13-20 Prayers of the righteous
Call to Worship:John 4:23-24
The Lord's Supper: Liu Quan/Yingchan/Yongkang Zhang
7/10/2022 Sun Jinan Zhang 1 Peter 1:1-12 Praise to the LORD for his salvation
Call to Worship:1 Peter 2:9
7/17/2022 Sun Jinan Zhang 1Peter 1:13-21 Requirement of Holiness
Call to Worship: Hebrews 10:24-25
7/24/2022 Sun Jinan Zhang 1Peter 1:22-2:3 God's word is forever estalbished
Call to Worship: Revelation 4:8
7/27/2022 Wed Co-workers Prayer Meeting:
Training/Sunday School
Yan Zhang
7/31/2022 Sun James Yang Evangelical/Topical Preaching
Call to Worship: Revelation 4:11
8/7/2022 Sun Jinan Zhang 1 Peter 2:4-12 The Identity of a Christian
Call to Worship:Revelation 5:9
The Lord's Supper: Jinan/Yongkang/Zhai Lei
8/13/2022 Annual Picnic Xianhong Zeng
8/14/2022 Sun Quan Liu 1 Peter 2:13-25 Submission to Authority
Call to Worship: Revelation 7:10-12
8/21/2022 Sun Jinan Zhang 1 Peter 3:1-7 Husbands and wives
Call to Worship: Revelation 19:1
8/24/2022 Wed Co-workers Prayer Meeting:
Life-on-Life Missional Discipleship
Yingchan Wu
8/28/2022 Sun Jinan Zhang Evangelical/Topical Preaching
Call to Worship: Revelation 19:4-6
Conduct of Faith September
9/4/2022 Sun Jinan Zhang 1 Peter 3:8-17 Duties of all
Call to Worship:Psalm 98:1-2
The Lord's Supper: Jinan/Liu Quan /Yingchan
Baptismal classes to be announced.
9/11/2022 Sun Jinan Zhang 1 Peter 3:18-4:6 Christ's example
Call to Worship: Psalm 98:3-6
9/16/2022 Fri Gospel Rally. Please invite students and/or friends
Call to Worship:Psalm 100:1-2
Xianhong Zeng
9/17/2022 Sat
9/18/2022 Sun
9/25/2018 Sun Yingchan Wu 1 Peter 4:7-11 End of all things
Call to Worship:Psalm 100:4-5
Baptismal Class 1
9/28/2022 Wed Co-workers Prayer Meeting:
Xiaotao Guan
10/2/2022 Sun Jinan Zhang 1 Peter 4:12-19 Suffer for Christ
Call to Worship: Psalm 103:1-2
The Lord's Supper: Jinan/Zhai Lei/Yongkang
10/8/2022 Sat Fall Cleaning Jianbin Li
10/9/2022 Sun Hongjun Li 1 Peter 5:1-4 Conduct of elders and the young
Call to Worship: Psalm 103:20-22
Baptismal Class 2
10/16/2022 Sun Jinan Zhang Haggai 1:1-15 Consider your ways: fruitless prosperity
Call to Worship:Psalm 105:1-2
Baptismal Class 3
10/23/2022 Sun Yingchan Wu Haggai 2:1-9 The glory of the temple
Call to Worship:Psalm 107:1-2, 21
10/26/2022 Wed Co-workers prayer Meeting:
Dinghua Xie
10/30/2022 Sun Biao Chen Evangelical/Topical Preaching
Call to Worship: Psalm 108:1, 3
Baptismal Class 4
11/6/2022 Sun Jinan Zhang Haggai 2:10-23 Consider Your Ways: Holiness and Defilement; Repentance and Blessing
Call to Worship: Psalm 113:1-3
The Lord's Supper: Jinan/Liu Quan/Ying Chan
11/13/2022 Sun Jinan Zhang 2 Peter 1:1-21 Godly living to witness Christ
Call to Worship: Psalm 116:1-2
Membership Class 1
11/20/2022 Sun Jinan Zhang 2 Peter 2:1-22 Warning against false teachers
Call to Worship:Psalm 116:8-9
Membership Class 2
11/23/2022 Wed Co-workers Prayer Meeting:
Jianbin Li
11/24/2022 Thur Thanksgiving Celebration Jennifer Chu
11/27/2022 Sun Moses Han Thanksgiving Message.
Speaker shall decide the passage
Call to Worship: 1 Thess 5:16-18
Combined service; No Lord's Supper
12/4/2022 Sun Jinan Zhang 2 Peter 3:1-18 the day of the LORD
Call to Worship:Psalm 118:1, 14-15
The Lord's Supper: Jinan/Zhai Lei/Yong Kang
12/11/2022 Sun Yingchan Wu Isaiah 53:1-12 Prophesies about the new born king
Call to Worship: Micah 7:11-12
12/18/2022 Sun Jinan Zhang Matt 2:1-8 Prepare hearts to receive the to-be-born Messiah
Call to Worship: Isa 7:14
12/23/2022 Fri Christmas Celebration
Purpose: Outreach. Please invite non-believing friends and/or students
Leave to speaker to decide message
12/25/2022 Sun Jinan Zhang Matt 2:9-12 The New Born King
Call to Worship: Rev 7:11-12
Combined service. No Lord's Supper
12/31/2022 Sat New Year's Prayer Meeting Yingchan Wu





2023 Theme for life and ministry of OCECC

基督的见证 —— 走出去

The Witness of Christ ---- Going Out

释经讲道 Expository Preaching on
Zechariah, 1 John
January-April 属灵的视野
The spiritual vision
May-August 末日的视野
The vision of end
September-December 爱中的见证
The witness in love
1 John
主题讲道 Thematic Preaching
Evangelistic Meeting (9); Easter (1), Mother's and Father's Days (2), Thanksgiving (1), Christmas (2).
中文主日学装备课程 Chinese Sunday School Materials
慕道班 Seekers
(Track 0)
圣经历史 Bible/History
(Track 1)
实践神学 Practical
(Track 2)
神学 Theology
(Track 3)
January-April 问道班 帖撒罗尼迦前/后书 愿你的国降临:末世论 尊贵的设计
May-August 问道班 圣经如此说 我们相信圣灵
September-December 问道班 青春的契机 保罗监狱书信 从约翰福音看恩典的教义
小组核心材料 Small Group DNA Materials
方式: YouVersion → plans → Through Bible → Whole Bible → Come Drink Live 365。


Preacher Event/Message Additional Comments/In-Charge
The Spiritual Vision 1/1/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang Zechariah 1:1-6 Return to me
Call to Worship: Ps 27:4
The Lord's Supper: Jinan/Yingchan/Yongkang
Plan of 2023 to be shared by the Session
1/8/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang Zechariah 1:7-17 The vision of horses
Call to Worship: Ps 34:1-3
1/15/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang Zechariah 1:18-21 The vision of horns
Call to Worship:Ps 95:6-7
1/22/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang Zechariah 2:1-13 The vision of measuring line
Call to Worship: Ps 100:4-5

Chinese New Year Celebration
1/25/2023 Wed Co-workers Prayer Meeting:
Training/Sunday School
Zhai Lei
1/29/2023 Sun Yingchan Wu Evangelical/Topical Preaching
Call to Worship:Ps 95:1-3
2/5/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang Zechariah 3:1-10 The vision of high priest
Call to Worship: Ps 107:1,8
The Lord's Supper: Jinan/Quan Liu/Zhai Lei
Communication by the Deacon board to the congregation
Baptismal and membership classes to be announced
2/12/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang Zechariah 4:1-14 The vision of golden lampstand
Call to Worship: Ps 47:1-2
2/19/2023 Sun Biao Chen Zechariah 5:1-4 The vision of flying scroll
Call to Worship: Ps 96:1-4
2/22/2023 Wed Co-workers Prayer Meeting:
Jennifer Chu
2/26/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang Evangelical Preaching
Call to Worship: Ps100:1-2
Baptismal Class 1
3/5/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang Zechariah 5:5-11 The vision of the woman
Call to Worship: Ps 105:1-4
The Lord's Supper: Jinan/Yongkang/Ying Chan
Baptismal Class 2
3/12/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang Zechariah 6:1-8 The vision of four chariots
Call to Worship: Ps 117:1-2
Baptismal Class 3
3/18/2023 Sat Spring Cleaning Xiang Zhu
3/19/2023 Sun Yingchan Wu Zechariah 6:9-15 Crown Joshua
Call to Worship: Ps 65:5-7
Baptismal Class 4
3/23/2023 Wed Co-workers Prayer Meeting:
Chia Ming Chen
3/26/2016 Sun James Yang Evangelical/Topical Preaching
Call to Worship: Ps 95:1-5
Membership Class 1
4/2/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang Zechariah 7:1-14 The real fasting
Call to Worship: Rom 11:33-36
The Lord's Supper: Jinan/Lai Zhai/Quan Liu
Membership Classe 2
4/7/2023 Fri Good Friday Commemoration; The Lord's Supper. Combine Chia Ming Chen
4/9/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang Easter Sunday Combined service
Call to Worship: Ps 146:1-2
Interview of new members
Living life sharing
4/16/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang Zechariah 8:1-8 Return,O my people!
Call to Worship: Ps 118:1-4
4/23/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang Zechariah 8:9-19 The temple built
Call to Worship: Psalm 68:3-4
4/26/2023 Wed Co-workers Prayer Meeting:
Yongkang Zhang
4/23/2023 Sun Yingchan Wu
Call to Worship: John 4:23-24
The Vision of End May
5/7/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang Zechariah 8:20-23 The end day
Call to Worship: 1 Chronicles 16:8-9
The Lord's Supper: Jinan/Yongkang/Ying Chan
5/14/2023 Sun Quan Liu Mother's Day Message. Speaker shall decide the passage.
Call to Worship: Ps 126:5-6
Infants baptism(s) preparation to be announced
5/21/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang Zechariah 9:1-8 Judge upon nations
Call to Worship: Ps 145:3-4
5/24/2023 Wed Co-workers Prayer Meeting:
Jinan Zhang
5/26-28/2023 Lake Yale Annual Retreat
5/28/2023 Sun James Yang Evangelical/Topical Preaching
Call to Worship: Ps 86:8-9
6/4/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang Zechariah 9:9-10 The king to come
Call to Worship: Ps 28:6-7
The Lord's Supper: Jinan/Zhai Lei/Quan Liu
6/11/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang Zechariah 9:11-17 The future revival
Call to Worship: Ps 149:1-2
6/18/2023 Sun Yongkang Zhang Preacher shall decide the passage
Fathers Day Message
Call to Worship: Ps 128:1-2
Infant baptism
6/25/2023 Sun Yingchan Wu Evangelical/Topical Preaching
Call to Worship: Ps 33:1-3
6/28/2023 Wed Co-workers Prayer Meeting:
Quan Liu
7/2/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang Zechariah 10:1-10 Salvation promised
Call to Worship:John 4:23-24
The Lord's Supper: Jinan/Yingchan/Yongkang
7/9/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang Zechariah 10:11-11:3 The fall of the world
Call to Worship: Ps 33:1-3
7/16/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang Zechariah 11:4-17 Two shepherds
Call to Worship: Hebrews 10:24-25
7/23/2023 Sun Biao Chen Zechariah 12:1-13 The future of God’s people
Call to Worship: Revelation 4:8
7/26/2023 Wed Co-workers Prayer Meeting:
Zhai Lei
7/30/2023 Sun James Yang Evangelical/Topical Preaching
Call to Worship: Ps 28:7
8/6/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang Zechariah 13:1-6 Removal of sin
Call to Worship:Ps 138:1-2
The Lord's Supper: Jinan/Quan Liu/Zhai Lei
8/12/2023 Annual Picnic Xianhong Zeng
8/13/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang Zechariah 13:7-9 The suffering servants
Call to Worship: Ps 84:1-2
8/20/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang Zechariah 14:1-6 The suffering and deliverance of God’s people
Call to Worship: Ps 86:8-12
8/23/2023 Wed Co-workers Prayer Meeting:
Life-on-Life Missional Discipleship
Yingchan Wu
8/27/2023 Sun Lei Zhai Evangelical/Topical Preaching
Call to Worship: Ps 89:5-8
The Witness in Love September
9/3/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang Zechariah 14:7-11 The LORD will be king
Call to Worship:Ps 92:1-4
The Lord's Supper: Jinan/YongKang/Yingchan
Baptismal classes to be announced.
9/10/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang Zechariah 14:12-19 The defeat of God’s enemy
Call to Worship: Psalm 98:3-6
9/15/2023 Fri Daniel Luan Gospel Rally. Please invite students and/or friends
Call to Worship:Ps 95:1-3
9/16/2023 Sat
9/17/2023 Sun
9/24/2018 Sun Yingchan Wu Zechariah 14:20-21 All will be one
Call to Worship:Psalm 100:4-5
9/27/2023 Wed Co-workers Prayer Meeting:
Guoli Liu
10/1/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang 1 John 1:1-4 Life
Call to Worship: Ps 96:1-3
The Lord's Supper: Jinan/Lei Zhai/Quan Liu
Baptismal Class 1
10/7/2023 Sat Fall Cleaning Jianbin Li
10/8/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang 1 John 1:5-10 God is light
Call to Worship: Psalm 103:20-22
Baptismal Class 2
10/15/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang 1 John 2:1-6 Christ the mediator
Call to Worship:Ps 98:4-6
Baptismal Class 3
10/22/2023 Sun Hongjun Li 1 John 2:7-11 The new commandment
Call to Worship:Ps 99:1-3
10/25/2023 Wed Co-workers prayer Meeting:
Dinghua Xie
10/29/2023 Sun Quan Liu Evangelical/Topical Preaching
Call to Worship:Ps 99:5
Baptismal Class 4
11/5/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang 1 John 2:12-14 The cohortation to the young and the old
Call to Worship: Psalm 113:1-3
The Lord's Supper: Jinan/Yongkang/Yingchan
Membership Class 1
11/12/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang 1 John 2:15-17 No love the wolrd
Call to Worship: Psalm 116:1-2
Membership Class 2
11/19/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang 1 John 2:18-27 The anti-christ
Call to Worship:Psalm 116:8-9
Interview of new members
11/22/2023 Wed Co-workers Prayer Meeting:
Xiang Zhu
11/23/2023 Thur Thanksgiving Celebration
11/26/2023 Sun Lei Zhai Thanksgiving Message.
Speaker shall decide the passage
Call to Worship: 1 Thess 5:16-18
Combined service;
Living life sharing
12/3/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang 1 John 2:28-3:10 God’s kids and Satan’s kids
Call to Worship:Ps 40:3-5
The Lord's Supper: Jinan/Yingchan/Yongkang
12/10/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang 1 John 3:11-18 Love each other
Call to Worship:Ps 103:6-9
12/17/2023 Sun Yingchan Wu 1 John 3:19-24 Be still in God
Call to Worship: Ps 99:9
12/23/2023 Fri Jinan Zhang Christmas Celebration
Purpose: Outreach. Please invite non-believing friends and/or students
Leave to speaker to decide message
12/24/2023 Sun Moses Han 1 John 3:9-12 The New Born King
Call to Worship: Ps 103:1-2
Combined service.
The Lord's Supper, upper room service: Moses/Jinan/Yingchan/Yongkang
12/30/2023 Sat New Year's Prayer Meeting Yingchan Wu
12/31/2023 Sun Jinan Zhang 1 John 4:1-6 The spirit of God and anti-christ
Call to Worship:Ps 103:11-13