

God’s dwelling is in the “Highest Heaven,” as Solomon put it, and in his people, “the living stones”, as Peter put it. We acquire or build the building not so God can have a place to live, but so we can be together to hear His Word, call on His name, sing His praises, lead the lost into His presence, and stimulate one another to love and good works. Even so, the building itself is an expression of our love for Him, an expression of our worship and of adoration.

The OCECC expresses her thanks to all who have invested a part of themselves in this building’s acquisition process. Some have contributed money, others time; some vision, others sweat. We know that countless individuals have prayed for this project. All have left our friends who come and future generations with a statement about God’s ability to make something beautiful in His time , that represents, “a whole achievement that is much more than the sum of its parts”. May this chapel’s future stewards honor your vision, embrace your faith, and share your heart of worship.
¼br> We would thank all brothers and sisters in the OCECC who responded to the vision and plan of the leadership of this church in faith, love and hope with great sacrifice and perseverance. We would express our deepest gratitude toward the members who served on the building committee and deacon board, and their supportive families.

We would also like to thank the following people who gave thoughtfully and faithfully to their brothers and sisters in OCECC:
Mr. Robby Roberson, without your vision and wisdom we would wait 5 more years; Rev. Bud Abt, without you and your team’s extra-mile service and craftsmanship we could not maintain this space as it is now; Elder Don Pederson, your willingness to allow us to share our passion for China mission has opened the door for our future partnership in His Kingdom; Rev. Dr. Hunter, your humbleness and gracious manner encouraged us to ask for help on behalf of our congregation; Mr. John Wayne, you are indeed a banker working for us; and Dr. Fay Hu, one of our best networking ambassador beyond her dentistry. ¼br> ¼br> Very special thanks also goes to unnamed friends in Christ, who are no longer staying with OCECC, or have never been a part of this particular church, as well as several other churches and companies. You are angels of God lifting us up during the fundraising and transferring of the building stewardship. May Lord richly bless you all in Christ:
Unnamed friends in Christ: 31 brothers and sisters from extended family of God in the U.S. The Churches and Organizations: The Chinese Presbyterian Church at Tampa (ARP); Chinese Christian Church of VA (PCA); Grace Chinese Christian Church (PCA); Chinese Christian Church of Jacksonville; The Evangelical Formosan Church at Orlando; Melbourne Chinese Church of Mission Alliance (CMA); Gainesville Chinese Christian Church; Tallahassee Chinese Christian Church; Ling Acupuncture; Rock of Ages, LLC; special thanks to Chen Medical Association, our long time supporter since 2005.

Thank you all for coming and celebrating with us in this great moment. May God richly bless, and dwell in you and your family!